Posts tagged Intermediate Maths Challenge
Year 8 Maths Homework: Find The Radius

Could you solve this? My year 8 daughter’s homework from last weekend. I did point her in the right direction and then she finished it off. She was very happy as she worked out how to solve it.

Last night, she asked if she could work on really hard maths over half term, to help her find maths at school easy and also to have fun (apparently). I’ve pulled out UKMT’s Intermediate Problems by Andrew Jobbings (years 9-11 Intermediate Maths Challenge questions) and a pile of Art of Problem Solving books.

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Parallel (Simon Singh): Intermediate Maths Challenge - Patterns

The pattern 123451234512345... is continued to form a 2000-digit number. What is the sum of all 2000 digits?

  • 6000

  • 7500

  • 30,000

  • 60,000

  • 75,000

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