2018 - 2025 Entrance exam results & Maths Challenges
St Paul’s Girls’ School - Brook Green, Hammersmith
2018 - 2025 Results:
4+, 7+, 8+, 9+, 10+, 11+ and 13+ school offers.
Over the last 6 years I have been very proud of all my students and my own daughter. From 2019 to 2024, my students have received 9 offers from St Paul’s Girls’ School. SPGS is the top school in the U.K.
12 academic scholarships/awards
2 students asked to sit scholarships exams (but declined the opportunity)
1 Headmistress award
4 music scholarship (singing, oboe, singing and piano)
1 art scholarship
Top in class 1 x year 3, 1 x year 4, 1 x year 5.
South Hampstead High School (1 offer)
Falkner House (1 waiting list)
Queen’s College Prep School (1 offer)
St Christopher’s School (1 offer)
Pembridge Hall School (1 offer)
Newton Prep School (1 offer)
Thomas’s Battersea (1 waiting list)
7+ and 8+
NB SPJ and WUS interview the top 50/60 boys. Interview details below only include boys without offers.
St Paul’s Juniors (6 offers, 3 interviews TBC re 2nd round)
Westminster Under (5 offers, 2 waiting list & 1 interview)
King’s College Wimbledon (5 offers, 3 waiting list)
City Junior School (1 offer)
South Hampstead High School (1 offer, 1 waiting list)
Channing School (1 offer)
Latymer Prep (3 offers)
North London Collegiate School (1 offer)
Bute House (1 offer)
Haberdashers Girls (1 offer)
Haberdashers Boys (1 offer)
Wetherby School (2 offer)
Dulwich College (1 offer)
Sussex House (5 offers)
Summerfield (1 offer)
Frances Holland School, Sloane Square (offer - year 1 place)
King’s College Wimbledon (2 offers, 1 waiting list)
City of London (1 offer)
St Paul’s Girls’ School (11 offers, 1 waiting list, 2 interview) (top independent)
King’s College Wimbledon (2 offers)
Latymer Upper (9 offers, 1 interview, 1 interview)
Godolphin & Latymer (16 offers, 3 waiting list)
Wycombe Abbey (4 offers) (Boarding)
Henrietta Barnett (2 offers, 1 x 2nd stage - TBC) (top State)
City of London School for Girls’ (10 offers, 1 waiting list, 1 interview)
North London Collegiate (7 offers, 1 waiting list)
University College School (3 offers, 1, waiting list, 2 interviews)
Alleyn’s (1 offer)
Guildford High School (3 offers)
South Hampstead High School (9 offers)
City of London School for Boys’ (1 offer, 2 waiting lists)
Haberdashers Boys’ (1 offer)
Haberdashers Girls’ (2 offers)
Notting Hill & Ealing (4 offers)
Merchant Taylor’s (2 offers)
Bancroft’s (2 offers)
Forest (3 offers)
Wimbledon High School (3 offers, 2 waiting list)
Putney High School (6 offers, 2 waiting list)
Highgate (4 offers)
Lady Eleanor Holles (3 offers)
Frances Holland NW1 (7 offers, 2 waiting lists)
Frances Holland SW1 (6 offers, 1 waiting list)
Dulwich College (3 offers)
Sussex House (1 offer)
St Benedict’s (2 offers)
Wetherby (3 offers)
The Leys, Cambridge (1 offer)
Haileybury (1 offer)
Queen’s College (4 offers, 1 x waiting list)
Channing (3 offers, 2 waiting list)
St James Senior Girls’ School (1 offer)
Surbiton High School (1 offer)
Kingston Grammar (1 offer)
Colfe’s (1 offer)
Warwick School (1 offer)
Halcyon London International School (1 offer)
Northbridge Canonbury (2 offers)
Portland School (1 offer)
Downe House (2 offers) (Boarding)
Headington School, Oxford (1 offer) (Boarding)
New Hall School (1 offer) (Boarding)
Merrymount International School (1 offer)
St Marylebone C of E School (1 offer) (State)
Holland Park School (1 offer) (State)
Grey Coat Hospital School (1 offer) (State)
Beths Grammar (1 offer) (State)
St Paul’s (7 offers) (1 interview, but not taken as accepted Kings College Wimbledon)
Winchester (1 offer, 1 interview and result due May ‘24)
King’s College Wimbledon (4 offers)
City of London School for Boys’ (5 offers)
Westminster (6 offers)
Hampton school (1 offer)
Haberdashers Boys’ (1 offer)
Dulwich College (1 offer)
Tonbridge (1 offer)
Mill Hill (1 offer, 1 interview)
Epsom College (1 offer)
Eton College (1 offer - Kings Scholar) (2 interviews, but withdrawn, as other offer accepted)
Harrow (1 interview, but withdrawn, as other offer accepted)
Wetherby (1 offer)
Wellington School, Somerset (1 offer, 1 waiting list)
Reeds (1 offer)
St John’s Leatherhead (1 offer)
13+ Occasional Place
Haberdashers Girls’ (1 offer)
South Hampstead High School (1 offer)
Frances Holland NW1 (1 offer)
International Schools
Lycée International Saint-Germain-en-Laye - Fast Track British Selection 11+ entry (1 offer)
Maths Challenges
UK Maths Trust - Junior (years 7-8), Intermediate (years 9-11) & Senior Maths Challenges (years 11-13) & Primary Maths Challenge (Years 5-6)
February 2024 - Intermediate Maths Challenge - Pink Kangaroo (gold) 1 x student (year 11). 1 x Bronze and Best in School, Year 6 student. .
October 2023 - Senior Maths Challenge 1 x (high sliver) year 11 student.
April 2023 - Junior Maths Challenge 1 x silver (year 7), 2 x bronze (year 5 & year 6).
February 2023 - Intermediate Maths Challenge - Pink Kangaroo (gold) 1 x student (year 10). 1 x Bronze Year 5 student.
February 2022 - Intermediate Maths Challenge 1 x Olympiad bonus round (gold) student (Year 9 & 10 thresholds). Score 114. Olympiad Score Year 9 101+. 1 x Bronze and Best in School, Year 6 student. UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge.
June 2021 - Junior Maths Olympiad 1 x (bronze - 44 marks out of 70) student. Approx 110-140 out of 300,000 who sat the original Junior Maths Challenge in April. Bronze medal 37+, Silver medal 47+, Gold medal 57+
June 2020 UKMT JMO bronze medal
April 2021 - Junior Maths Challenge 2 x Olympiad bonus round (gold) students. Olympiad bonus round (top 0.2%-0.5%). Scores of 99 and 105. Olympiad score of 98+
June 2020 - Junior Maths Challenge 1 x Gold (top 2,000 of 300,000) 112/135. Due to COVID-19, there was no follow on bonus round. In prior years, 112/135 would have resulted in participation of the Olympiad bonus round (top 0.2%-0.5%).
February 2020 - Intermediate Maths Challenge 1 x Bronze Intermediate Maths Challenge (year 9). The IMC is a maths challenge for year 11 pupils. (top 80,000 of 200,000).
April 2019 - Junior Maths Challenge 2 x Kangaroo/Gold (top 8,000 of 300,000) (both year 6). The JMC is a maths challenge for year 8 pupils. 1 x Kangaroo - Merit 112/135
June 2019 - 1 x JMC Kangaroo bonus round - merit 112/135. The JMC is a maths challenge for year 8 pupils. Year 6 student.
April 2018 - Junior Maths Challenge 1 x Gold (top 20,000 of 300,000) (year 5).
Primary Maths Challenge 2024 - 4 x bonus round TBC (24, 24, 23, 21, 2 golds - schools don’t believe in giving scores)
Primary Maths Challenge 2023 - 3 x bonus round (1 x year 6 & 2 x year 5).
Primary Maths Challenge 2022 - 4 x bonus round (2 x year 6 & 2 x year 5)
Primary Maths Challenge 2021 - 2 x bonus round (2 x year 6)
Primary Maths Challenge 2020 - 1 x bonus round (1 x year 6)
Primary Maths Challenge 2019 - 1 x gold and one silver. Bonus Round 2020 - one gold
Primary Maths Challenge 2018 - 1 x gold and one silver. Both competed in the Feb 2019 bonus round (gold and bronze).
4 x students asked to compete in maths competitions for their schools (1 x year 4 & 3 x year 6).