Lando Education is my third entrepreneurial venture…
Read MoreBreaking down the initial question into smaller, easier to remember numbers is key.
Read MoreThe marks needed by teenagers to pass A levels could fall significantly this year as the exams watchdog protects thousands of pupils from being penalised by tougher qualifications.
Read MoreThe chief qualifications regulator in England, Sally Collier, said that this year’s A-level and GCSE students would not suffer from being the first to take the new, tougher, exams.
Read MoreEwan McGregor is the latest Hollywood name to read a Bedtime Story on CBeebies, following the likes of Tom Hardy and Chris Evans.
Read MoreOne person was allegedly the source of a leak of an A-level maths paper this summer, an exam board has said.
Read MoreMiddle-class teenagers and their parents are increasingly using university clearing to shop around for the best courses to the detriment of their less well-off peers, education experts have warned ahead of A-level results day next week.
Read MoreScottish children perform better in their Higher exams because the tests are easier, according to a top educationalist. Lindsay Paterson, professor of education at Edinburgh university, accused the Scottish government of a “disengagement from reality” after it hailed last week’s results a success.
Read MoreWith results out this week, a system that rewards late revision rather than conscientious coursework is expected to favour boys.
Read MoreExam results are to be downgraded as a measure of school quality as the chief inspector moves to stamp out a culture of cramming children for tests.
Read MoreI explain this strategy with each of my year 5-6 students, who absolutely love it.
Read MoreWhen our daughter was in Reception, she realised one of her friends had started reading chapter books and she hadn't. She spoke to me and asked when she could start reading them. A quick Google search later and I stumbled across Reading Chest.
Read MoreAs schools release their 2017/18 results, I will keep adding to the list below. The maximum IB points is 45. The details below show the average points attained by each school. The school name will link directly into the IB results for 2017/18.
Read MoreSummer Slide refers to how much academic ability a child loses over the 6-8 weeks summer holidays, equivalent to a full school term. Whilst some children may lose a couple of months academic ability, those who already find school difficult may lose up to a year. A summer of little and often learning can mean a child jumps an academic year.
Read MoreI kept a copy of this article, as I felt the methods applied by North London Collegiate School helped increase confidence in all students, not just girls.
Read MoreFor me a child needs to be nurtured in order to learn and retain information, and not only in maths. However with maths the key to being able to truly learn and understand is via practice and application of topics. This in turn leads to the creation of mathematical strategic and logical thought processes and application.
Read MoreMy ten year old is spending some of the summer undertaking Little & Often 11+ preparation. Although sadly her "Little" is now taking approx 2hours, 4-6 times a week.
Read MoreWhether a child is in year one or year seven, I always ensure their mental arithmetic is the sharpest it can be. This comes down to practice and strategy/logic.
Read MoreFor three years in a row, we have taken part in The Japan Foundation London's Summer Explorers season. The 2016 and 2017's films were shown in the beautiful Bafta building in Piccadilly.
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